Verified GMO-Free, Pasture Raised Poultry

GMO-Free Pasture raised chickens on a ramp to the coop

Room to Breathe

Rather than smashing our birds with thousands of others into monster barns, we house flocks of 75 chickens in moveable pens out on the green. Their houses protect them from predators like foxes, eagles, and hawks.


A Diet for Birds

Eating grass, insects, and non-gmo feed allows our birds to produce eggs and meat many cuts above in taste and health. Since industrial birds get debeaked to stave off fights, their stunted beaks prevent them from grasping grass and pasture insects. The result? Less tasty meat and paler-orange, less nutritious egg yolks.

A Diet for Humans

Animals living as they were meant to live makes the world a healthier place. According to Jo Robinson in her book, Pasture Perfect, pasture-raised chicken meat has 21% less total fat, 30% less saturated fat, and 28% fewer calories, along with 50% more vitamin A and 100% more omega-3s. Egg yolks from free-forage hens contain up to 10 times more omega-3s, 50% more folic acid, and 60% more vitamin B-12. When you buy poultry from us, you know your poultry’s source, and that’s knowledge you can be proud of. Feed your family smartly. Celebrate the difference.